Below is our step-by-step guide to activation of event forwarding from IGAWorks: Adbrix Remaster to Remerge. In case of any questions, please reach out to your Remerge Account Manager.
Please note: Successful activation of event forwarding (postbacks) from IGAWorks: Adbrix Remaster to Remerge is achieved upon the completion of the following two steps:
- Postback enablement on the Ad Partner Level.
- Postback enablement on the Ad Campaign Level.
1. Locate your App
- Log in to your IGAWorks: Adbrix Remaster Account, go to the upper left-hand corner of the navigation menu, and select your app by clicking the arrow to the right of your app name.
- Go to the search field, enter your app name, and click its corresponding box, as displayed below. Upon completion, click the Save button, located at the bottom of the page.
2. Locate & Activate Remerge
- Go to Attributions > AD Partner Settings, located on the upper left-hand corner of the navigation menu.
- A list of integrated partners (networks) will appear under the AD Partner Settings section. Find Remerge by entering its name in the search field, as displayed below:
- Go to the Is Enabled column and click the Disabled field to open our configuration window.
- Click the Enable button, located at the bottom of the page.
- The Enabled status should now appear to the right of the Remerge logo.
3. Configure Event Forwarding
AD Partner Level
- The Ad Partner configuration window consists of three tabs: AD Partner Information, Postbacks, and Ad Touch-Open Attribution. Click the Postbacks tab.
The Postback tab is divided into App Open Postbacks and In-App Event Postbacks sections:
- App Open Postbacks
- Go to the State column and ensure to toggle ON New Install, Re-Install, and Deeplink Option.
- Go to the Postback Scope column and select All for all of the attribution types.
- In-App Event Postbacks
- Go to the State column and ensure to toggle ON all the events you would like Adbrix Remaster to send Remerge, as displayed below. Please note: abx:daily_first_open and Deeplink Open are mandatory events, and as such, both should be toggled ON.
- Go to the Postback Scope column and select All for all of the selected events. Upon completion, click the Save button, located at the bottom of the page.
- Go to the State column and ensure to toggle ON all the events you would like Adbrix Remaster to send Remerge, as displayed below. Please note: abx:daily_first_open and Deeplink Open are mandatory events, and as such, both should be toggled ON.
AD Campaign Level
- Create your Campaign
- Go to Attributions > AD Campaign, located on the upper left-hand corner of the navigation menu.
- Click the Create a new AD Campaign button, located at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- You should find yourself on the Campaign Creation page. Enter your Campaign Name in its corresponding field, as per the below example. Upon completion, click the OK button, located at the bottom of the page.
- Go to Attributions > AD Campaign, located on the upper left-hand corner of the navigation menu.
- Connect your Campaign to Remerge
- The AD Campaign configuration window consists of five tabs: Dashboard, Tracking Link, KPI Rule Setting, Postback Final Setting, and Fraud Kill-Chain. Click the Tracking Link tab and scroll down.
- A list of integrated partners (networks) will appear under the Connected partner section. Find Remerge by entering its name in the search field, as displayed below:
- Click the Remerge logo, to open our configuration window.
- Go to the Index section of Remerge's configuration window, and click the Connection with AD Campaign button, located at the bottom of the page.
- The AD Campaign configuration window consists of five tabs: Dashboard, Tracking Link, KPI Rule Setting, Postback Final Setting, and Fraud Kill-Chain. Click the Tracking Link tab and scroll down.
- Enable Postbacks
- Remain on the same page and click the Postback Final Setting tab, as displayed below:
- Go to the State column and ensure to toggle ON all the events you would like Adbrix Remaster to send Remerge, as displayed below. Please note: abx:daily_first_open and Deeplink Open are mandatory events, and as such, both should be toggled ON. Upon completion, click the Update button, located at the bottom of the page.
- App Open Postbacks
- In-App Event Postbacks
- App Open Postbacks
- Remain on the same page and click the Postback Final Setting tab, as displayed below:
- Upon completion, go back to Attributions > AD Campaign, located on the upper left-hand corner of the navigation menu.
- You should find an ON status next to your newly configured postbacks, as per the below example:
4. Confirm Setup
- Reach out to your Remerge Account Manager to confirm the arrival of events and provide a screenshot of your final settings.