The below documentation should provide insight into some of the most frequently asked questions concerning the SKAdNetwork methodology. In case of any further questions, please reach out to your Remerge Account Manager.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What type of SKAdNetwork-attributed data should I expect to find in my Mobile Measurement Partner dashboard?
You should expect to find (re)install attribution data from Publishers that have integrated the SKAdNetwork ID (Remerge ID: 2u9pt9hc89.skadnetwork) into their app's plist file and ensured to upgrade their SKAdNetwork integration. For a complete list of prerequisites, please visit SKAdNetwork-Based Attribution.
2. Why are Apple-attributed installs missing from my Mobile Measurement Partner dashboard?
Issues associated with the visibility of attribution-specific data could be the result of faulty integration. Therefore, please ensure to complete the below checklist or reach out to your Mobile Measurement Partner for further support:
- Proper in-app integration of the Ad Network SDK.
- Proper in-app integration of the SKAdNetwork API.
- The campaign is running on a SKAdNetwork supporting Ad inventory.
- The Ad Network is forwarding Apple-attributed app installs to the Mobile Measurement Partner.
3. Why is my Mobile Measurement Partner dashboard void of conversion value event data?
Apple prioritizes user privacy and reports particular parameters ONLY upon compliance with its requirements. To that end, a gap in Conversion Value data might be the outcome of one of the following scenarios:
- You have YET to set up and assign Conversion Values for your app. For integration, Conversion Value definition, and mapping support, visit Apple's documentation or reach out to your Mobile Measurement Partner.
- The number of device users to have reached the Conversion Value event does NOT meet (surpass) Apple's Privacy Threshold requirements.
- The device users have not reached the Conversion Value event within the below specified time frames:
- 24-hour post app launch, or;
- 24-hour post the latest Conversion Value.
4. How may I obtain my conversion value event data?
Your Ad Network forwards the Conversion Value event data to your Mobile Measurement Partner, who in turn should provide you with dashboard support for all of your SKAdNetwork-attributed data, including said values.
5. May I receive a single report concerning multiple conversion value events per unique user?
No, you may not. Apple does NOT keep count of the number of times a device user has reached a particular Conversion Value event or prior events. Accordingly, Apple always reports a single value per record. Moreover, the only grounds for a Conversion Value event override is the succeeding (event) holding a higher value than its preceding (event).
6. Why does the Source App ID data not appear in my Mobile Measurement Partner dashboard?
The absence of Source App ID data implies that the number of attributed app installs per source app did not meet (surpass) Apple's Privacy Threshold requirements. Subsequently, Apple resolved to eliminate said data from their report to the Ad Network.
7. How does the SKAdNetwork methodology impact previously installed apps?
Great question! The SKAdNetwork methodology does NOT apply to apps already existing on the user's device, as its concept builds upon the following course of events on behalf of the device user:
Ad Click -> App Install (time frame requirement) -> App Launch (time frame requirement)
User events ensuing within an already existing app will NOT meet Apple's time specifications, making said events NOT suitable for attribution. SKAdNetwork-based attribution also does not apply to retargeting campaigns.
8. How promptly should I anticipate an attributed (re-)install-validation postback notification?
Apple does NOT forward the install-validation postback notification to the Ad Network in real-time but rather following a significant time delay, based on a sequence of windows, clarified in our Events & Windows section. Theoretically speaking, it could take up to 154 days (90 for an app install & launch + 65 for its reporting = 154 days) from the moment of the Ad click for an app install report to reach the Ad Network.
Nonetheless, realistically, the probability of such a delay is exceptionally rare. Furthermore, you may minimize a potential time delay and obtain your report much sooner by bypassing the Conversion Value setup altogether or configuring Conversion Value events, easily reached by the device user. For Conversion Value implementation, please reach out to your Mobile Measurement Partner.
9. May I retrieve the timestamp information of an app install?
No, unfortunately, you may not. Apple does not forward app install timestamp information to Ad Networks, thus making access to such data an impossible task.
10. Does the SKAdNetwork framework apply to non-AppTrackingTransparency authorized apps?
Yes, it does! The Apple SKAdNetwork feature validates the source that leads to an app install while maintaining user privacy by default. To that end, an app does NOT require the implementation of AppTrackingTransparency to utilize the SKAdNetwork API.
11. Could the SKAdNetwork-based and Deterministic attribution methods potentially overlap?
A potential overlap in attribution methods is subject to the campaign strategy in question:
- User Acquisition Campaign - SKAdNetwork-based and Deterministic (device ID) attribution methods will overlap.
- Retargeting Campaign - SKAdNetwork-based and Deterministic (device ID, deep linking) attribution methods will NOT overlap.
12. How does a SKAdNetwork-based View-Through-Attribution work?
Prerequisite: View-Through-Attribution (VTA) requires the initial implementation of SKAdNetwork v.2.2 by ALL respective parties (Advertiser, Publisher, and Ad Network). Upon completion, clients may utilize this option, as follows:
The Ad Network constructs an Ad for potential View-Through Attribution. Subsequently, they generate a SKAdImpression Instance and a View-Through cryptographic Ad Signature, which is assigned to the Ad in question and presented to prospective viewers. As is the case with StoreKit-Rendered Ads, the encoded parameters enable Apple to conduct attribution down the line.
Please note:
Apple records and reserves ONLY the last 15 impressions per Source App ID. Consequently, the ONLY app installs applicable for attribution in a particular Source app are app installs resulting from the latest 15 Ad impressions.