The below documentation should provide insight into some of the most frequently asked questions concerning Retargeting with Remerge. In case of any further questions, please reach out to your Remerge Account Manager.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What types of traffic do you utilize in Retargeting campaigns?
We exclusively employ ID-based traffic in our retargeting campaigns. The inability to identify installed apps within Non-ID-based traffic impedes our retargeting abilities.
2. May I run my Remerge Retargeting campaign on all platforms?
Remerge accommodates Retargeting campaigns on Android and iOS operating mobile systems. Please note: We DO NOT run Retargeting campaigns on Desktop/Mobile Websites.
3. May I provide you with an exclusive user list for targeting purposes?
As part of our Go-Live Fundamentals requirements, ensure to provide us with your in-app events. Nonetheless, if you wish to share additional user-specific, non-in-app event data (e.g., minors, whales, or likely to churn), we invite you to explore said opportunity with your respective Remerge Account Manager.
4. May I implement a User Acquisition tracking link in a Retargeting campaign?
For the most part, a cross-campaign adaptation of a particular tracking link is feasible. Please ensure your tracking link includes an appended deep link and meets the requirements listed in our Retargeting Go Live Fundamentals. Subsequently, forward said tracking link to Remerge to enable testing and confirm functional capabilities.
5. What are your reporting capabilities?
You may easily access campaign-specific reporting data, such as impressions, clicks, reengagement, and conversion per campaign/ad/geo/day, by logging in to our Reports client reporting tool. For more information on the said offering, please visit our Reports Client Reporting Dashboard. Alternatively, you may utilize the Remerge Reporting API.
6. How can my third-party data provider access my data?
In case you are employing the services of a third-party data provider, ensure to equip them with instructions and login credentials to our Reports dashboard.
7. What is the level of data analysis that you offer?
Remerge is a data-driven service provider that accommodates you with the necessary information and campaign analysis to set you up for success. Accordingly, please inform your Remerge Account Manager if you are interested in a daily campaign-specific raw data collection via the Amazon S3 Bucket option.
However, the uploaded data format is not suitable for manual excel analysis. Therefore, please be advised that your tech team will be required to extract/filter the necessary data in a format that fits your infrastructure best.
8. Why do your attribution data differ from the attribution provider data?
You are most likely to run with multiple ad networks/agencies. However, Remerge does not have visibility or insight into any other campaigns you could potentially be running.
Accordingly, we count and display ONLY events triggered by our marketing efforts, thus resulting in a potential data display discrepancy. Furthermore, as your Mobile Measurement Partner Attribution Windows might be lifelong, they may contain more data than the Remerge Attribution Windows.
9. How do you implement segmentation for optimal targeting?
Great question! Remerge is an app retargeting platform with REAL-TIME segmentation capabilities. Real-time events enable Remerge to create user segments for campaign targeting or exclusion. The following flow depicts our segmentation process in a nutshell:
Remerge obtains access to your in-app event data stream -> Remerge employs the insights derived from your in-app events to create user segments and establishes the criteria said segments are to fulfill to meet your goals -> A bid request reaches Remerge -> Remerge examines the fulfillment of conditions on behalf of a user profile in an active campaign. The assessment and segmentation take place in a real-time scenario while utilizing the data from the forwarded events.
10. May I utilize the SKAdNetwork technology to conduct a retargeting campaign?
No, you may not. The SKAdNetwork technology is NOT compatible with the strategy of a retargeting campaign. At this stage, the methodology ONLY facilitates attribution of app-install/re-install and NOT apps already existing on the user's device, as its concept builds upon the following course of events on behalf of the device user:
Ad Click -> App Install -> App Launch.
User events ensuing within an already existing app will NOT meet Apple's install requirements, making said events NOT suitable for attribution. For further information on the SKAdNetwork methodology, please visit our Apple (iOS14) guide.